Pellucid Letters

Rajputana Customs

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In the vast world of cars, where trends change quickly, there’s a quiet revolution happening on the lively streets of India—the art of customising motorcycles. While the world has embraced making motorcycles unique, this trend is just starting to take hold in India.

One name that rises above the asphalt in personalized luxurious bikes is Rajputana Customs.

It’s like a slow dance, a tune gradually passing through the noisy streets filled with honking horns and whirring engines. We ride along roads filled with ordinary factory-made bikes, and a tribe of artisans, dreamers, and rebels appears, fearlessly reshaping the essence of two-wheeled journeys.

Paasha By Rajputana Customs
Rajputana Customs Photos

In the lively heart of Jaipur, this custom haven doesn’t just tinker with bikes; it spins tales on two wheels. Rajputana Customs is no ordinary workshop; it’s a place where a new chapter is added to the story of personalization. Here, every twist of the throttle is a pulsating heartbeat, echoing the passion and uniqueness of each rider.

Rajputana Customs orchestrates a masterpiece in the symphony of
luxury lifestyle in roaring engines and clinking tools.

Rajputana Customs is the brainchild of Vijay Singh Ajairajpura, who was raised in a proud Rajput family. His love affair with motorcycles began at seven when his father handcrafted his first ride, a 50-CC engine BSA Falcon. 

His father, Mrityunja Singh, was a speedster for the Jaipur Motorcycle Club in the ’70s. Also, his visionary ‘dadosa’ (grandfather) orchestrated Jaipur’s inaugural All-India MotoX Race in 1977, laying the groundwork for a familial legacy.

Vijay Singh Ajairajpura - Owner of Rajputana Customs

In 2005, Vijay headed to Canada to study Mass Communication. Upon returning, six months before starting journalism, he began Rajputana Customs in his garage, birthing ‘Original Gangster‘ using the Thunderbird 350. This minimalist customised bike drew inspiration from classic street bobs and springer motorcycles. 

His cousin, Avijit Singh, played a pivotal role in providing a platform for his dreams at Auto Expo 2010. The impressive response turned his project into a true calling. Vijay proudly named it ‘Rajputana Customs,’ blending tradition with innovation. It’s a journey to his roots, celebrating Rajput culture in motorcycle customisation. 

Vijay isn’t just a bike builder; he’s also got the need for speed. He’s notched up three national championships in the 600 CC category. For folks who share his need for adrenaline, he’s rolled out two tracks—a sleek tarmac in Mt Abu and a dirt track in Alwar called John Singh Speedway.

In the modern era of motorcycles, dealing with all those computers and sensors can be a real headache. Yet, places like Rajputana Customs keep the flames burning using handcrafted methods. They specialize in customizing Royal Enfield and Harley Davidson motorcycles. All from restoring vintage beauties to crafting high-performance marvels with modern gizmos.

Building custom bikes from the ground is laborious and time-consuming. Each element is thoroughly examined, and only those serving a purpose, functional or aesthetic. The Rajputana bikes showcase detailed features like Damascus Steel inlays with Koftgari engravings, old-school custom seats, exquisite handlebars, classic fuel tank design, chunky wheels, subtle woodwork, vintage lettering and a mild colour palette.

Rajputana Custom motorcycles are about being unique. Off-the-rack stuff is dull – too much plastic and not enough character. Customizing is how bikers put their stamp on things, making them truly theirs. It’s sticking to the real reason bikes got cool in the first place—they’re an extension of the rider, pure fun. The paint, bike type, and tune-up all shout out what the rider’s into.

John Abraham chose the Rajputana Customs Lightfoot 500 at Auto Expo 2010 for his bike revamp. A sleek “Lightfoot 500” was built for speed and style. Slimmed down with girder fork suspension, a compact headlamp, and a low-slung handlebar, this custom ride took six months to complete, costing Rs. 6.5 lakh (excluding the donor bike). It turns out that John Abraham was the first-ever client of Rajputana Customs.

John Abraham in Rajputana Customs Lightfoot
Rajputana Customs John Abraham bike (Indian Bollywood Actor) - Lightfoot


Striking a balance between the consumer’s budget constraints and the intricate craftsmanship is challenging. Rajputana Customs bike prices are costly. The customization can set you back a few lakhs or even crores, not counting the original bike’s cost.

Vijay’s got a knack for giving his creations some quirky but Indian names like Laado, Aghori, Rajmata, Jordaar, Kaala Paani, Gulail, Bitoo and more. These names aren’t just for looks; they’re his way of forming a tight bond with his craft.

Check out our top picks from Rajputana Customs—bikes decked out in chrome, leather, and engines that growl.


Ranisa bike is a custom Royal Enfield 500 CC fit for royalty. Adorned with artwork featuring ‘Bani Thani, ‘ the fuel tank features two emblems depicting a king and a queen. This regal ride boasts a bobber style with a satin silver and grey paint job with golden highlights. The Ranisa bullet has a rounded headlamp, balloon tyres, leather grips, a footrest, and an extended swing arm making it a pure retro masterpiece.


Gaur blends the past and present with pegs from 1909, a ’24-styled seat, and ’36 girder forks. The unique girder fork reflects the 1936 4-valve and sleek blacked-out components that contrast with stainless nuts and bolts. The modern rear suspension ensures a smooth ride, and the tank, adorned with hand-filed metal and vintage lettering, highlights the meticulous craftsmanship.


Nandi is a beast Rajput bullet on wheels, paying homage to Shiva’s mighty bull. Crafted for a groom-to-be in 2010, it’s a Royal Enfield Classic 500 and boasts a 23-inch front wheel and a 300-mm rear tyre fit for a car. With custom touches like a flat handlebar, a unique paint job, and a twin-barrel exhaust, Nandi stands tall as a symbol of power and style.

Rajputana Customs Nandi Price: 7.5 lakhs


Laado by Rajputana Customs is a World War II warrior, a 500cc BSA M20. The one that is “your favourite” in Hindi is termed Laado. It has the finishing done in olive green. This vintage ride stands out with Avon tyres thicker and fatter than stock, giving it a bold and rugged appeal.

Rajputana Customs Laado Price: 5.5 lakhs


Jordaar is a Harley Davidson 883 embellished with intricate details and Damascus. The silver engravings give it a dynamic feel, making it look in motion even when standing still. Jordaar led the way with a custom frame, front linkage suspension, and a Boomerang fork that may not move much, but it sure packs a punch—this bike is an absolute powerhouse.

Rajputana Customs Jordaar Price: 14 lakhs


The recently customised motorcycle Jewar is a Triumph 500 CC Speed Twin. The bike’s good looks remain intact, keeping it analogue and true to its roots with raw metal aesthetics. The highlights include a custom girder fork with shock observers, zig-zag patterned big tyres, handlebars with inverted levers, and brass and copper accents. It’s a vintage gem from the lost prototypes of the ’30s.

Embarking on a wild ride, Vijay dove headfirst into his love for machinery and set up his garage in Jaipur. As a newbie in the game, he quickly realised he was in for a bumpy journey. 

The biggest struggle????

The fear of the unknown—no industry, no clients, zero local know-how. When it comes to cars, it’s like learning secret magic tricks. These skills are held tight by pros in the field, and you can’t just Google your way through it. You need hands-on training from the real wizards of the trade.

Teaching the future gearheads

RCM continues the noble tradition of passing on their badass skills. They’re giving the younger crowd the full scoop on building a custom motorcycle. From shaping metal to dreaming up the most extraordinary designs, their crash-course teaching gig is a bi-monthly, six-day program. It spills the secrets of mechanics, tools, engines, design, materials, motorcycle science, and the epic history of bikes.

They’re not just teaching; they’re crafting the future gearheads.

You can rev up your passion for bikes with their latest offerings! They’ve just hit the market with genuine Royal Enfield parts and RCM bolts that redefine excellence. The Rajputana Customs brass kits You can also spice up your wardrobe with the Rajputana Customs logo on caps, T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and jackets. Gear up and ride in style with Rajputana Customs Merchandise—because being ordinary is never an option.

Don’t miss out on the ride—gear up with the best from Rajputana Customs!

Head to the official Rajputana Customs website and explore the coolest gear tailor-made for true bike enthusiasts.

Rajputana Customs bikes are like the canvas for a true artist, showcasing the passion for the love of luxury riding. Brands like these are the ultimate inspiration for any builder hustling to make a mark. They’ve proven that staying true to your roots and crafting machines that echo the golden days can carve out your particular spot. Obsessing every tiny detail isn’t just a routine—it’s an infectious love affair.

Rajputana Customs isn’t just on the road; they’re turning it into an art gallery and transforming bikes into living, breathing extensions of who you indeed are.

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Rajputana Customs: Crafting Royal Beasts For The Riders

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