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YOGA is the eternal art of finding zen in the chaos. The relaxation of body and soul by framing poses, breathing hacks, meditation, and positive vibes rejuvenates holistic well-being.

India is known worldwide for a few catchwords: mysticism, spiritualism, non-violence, tolerance, vegetarianism, Gandhi, Yoga, backpackers, and the Beatles. As the country opens up to the world for trade and relations, the market appears more attractive than ever amidst the varying demands of a multicultural society.

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj,’ which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite. The practice originated in ancient India thousands of years ago. Despite being a very old tradition, it still serves the needs of our modern lifestyle. When stress, anxiety, and other physical ailments behold you, Yoga caters to every aspect, irrespective of age (there is something for everyone!).

To highlight the benefits of Yoga, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, introduced the proposal to recognise the ancient well-being practises. The United Nations declared June 21, 2015, as the first International Day of Yoga after a record 175 countries endorsed the resolution that noted –

PM Modi declaring International Yoga day in UN.

In cultures and communities, the auspicious International Day of Yoga is known as the day of the Summer Solstice (the longest day of the year). Since 2015, people have celebrated the International Day of Yoga worldwide, highlighting its profound significance.

The spiritual practice of Yoga makes you stronger, more flexible, and balanced while also giving you inner peace. Over time, the perks of doing Yoga have been proven repeatedly. We have enlisted some common benefits on the ground level that will motivate you to at least kick-start your journey of Yoga.

(Skill in action is yoga)

Stress Reduction Asanas

Yoga encourages stress reduction by focusing on various poses and breathing techniques. They activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you to calm down. You can feel the tension leave your body by following the different asanas and their related breathing techniques.

  • Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Eagle Pose (Garudasana) 
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Meditation and specific yoga poses can help ease insomnia (sleeplessness). Focusing on breathing and using these relaxation techniques is like hitting the reset button. Practising these yoga postures regularly can make a huge difference in your sleep patterns, helping you achieve more profound and restful sleep.

  • Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)
  • Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
  • Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
  • Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana) 
Quality Sleep Asanas
Enhanced Focus asanas

Yoga’s popularity stems from its approach to personal development. With proper guidance, Yoga can help you attain goals like enhancing focus and concentration. With various yoga poses, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques, individuals can sharpen their focus and cultivate a more attentive and present mindset.

  • Mountain pose (Tadasana)
  • Plank Pose (Phalakasana)
  • Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
  • Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Yoga keeps your heart in check, blending mindful moves with a healthy beat. Reduced stress and quality sleep will also improve your heart health. Multiple exercises, such as poses, meditation, and breathing, help circulate blood. Studies have also shown that they help strengthen the heart muscles when done correctly and efficiently. 

  • Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
  • The Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana)
  • Wheel Pose (Chakrasana)
  • Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
Healthy Heart Asanas
Self Awareness Asanas

Yoga fosters self-awareness through mindful movements and introspection. It’s amazing how it helps people tune into their thoughts, emotions, and body. By practising yoga, you can connect with yourself and achieve profound self-realization.

  • Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
  • Back Bending Pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

Yoga fosters a connection with oneself, the surrounding environment, and the individuals within it. With Yoga Day gaining popularity, multiple communities are participating in practising Yoga. This helps develop connections and awareness of what’s happening around the globe.

  • Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana)
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
  • Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  • Hero’s Pose (Virasana)
Building Connections and Communities Asanas

To boost participation in Yoga Day, organisers often introduce a variety of themes to make the event more dynamic. Every theme is crafted to raise awareness and spotlight important issues worldwide. As people from all walks of life are involved, it’s a creative way to inspire action on global matters. It is a lively platform for promoting discussion, understanding, and meaningful action on various relevant topics and challenges.

For the past 9 years, each International Yoga Day has championed a distinctive theme and initiative. 

2015Yoga for Harmony and Peace
2016Yoga for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
2017Yoga for Health
2018Yoga for Peace
2019Yoga for Heart
2020Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family
2021Yoga for Well-being
2022Yoga for Humanity
2023Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
2024Yoga for Women Empowerment
The theme of Yoga Day every year since 2015

With so many people getting a chance to practice Yoga and talk about global issues, International Yoga Day in 2024 will be really interesting. For example, last year’s theme, “Yoga for Climate Action“, got many people thinking about how Yoga can help the environment.

In the Western regions, Yoga’s popularity spans pop icons like Madonna and Beyonce, Hollywood actors like Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, and Robert Downey Jr., and influential figures like Michelle Obama, drawing practitioners. Even if people haven’t tried it themselves, seeing celebrities practice Yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation inspires them to give it a shot.  

Robert Downey Jr. practising Yoga

On the International Day of Yoga, people from all communities come together to participate, practising diverse yoga asanas, each with its benefits. Professional Yoga practitioners and teachers play a pivotal role by leading sessions, sharing their wisdom, and showing everyone the more profound principles of Yoga.

A myriad of seminars, workshops, and yoga sessions are held that transcend borders and bring people together in the spirit of harmony. Participants engage in meaningful discussions about pressing global issues and explore potential solutions.

On June 21, 2015, a whopping 35,985 people, including Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi and VIPs from 84 countries, gathered at Rajpath in New Delhi to perform 21 yoga poses for 35 minutes. The grand event set the record for the largest yoga class and the most participating nations, with 84 countries involved. It was a spectacular show of unity making headlines around the world. 

PM Modi doing yoga with 35,985 more people in Rajpath, Delhi


Yoga, in particular, stands out as an intriguing brand for a world increasingly viewing fitness as a trend to follow. Global celebrities, leaders, and everyday people practice yoga, making it more popular than we might realize. Reclaiming the heritage of yoga and marketing its reach to expand Indian culture’s influence was a crafty and well-perceived idea for spreading the Indian story.

Indian Influencers Promoting Yoga on Global Platforms around the world:

  1. Vinay Singh – @vinayyoga
  2. Radhika Bose – @yogasini
  3. Anshuka Parwani – @anshukayoga
  4. Neha Bangia – @thatfitmum
  5. Deepika Mehta – @deepikamehtayoga
  6. Namita Piparaiya – @yoganama
  7. Nancy Singh – @nanz.yogi
  8. Natasha Noel – @natashanoel001
  9. Rajat Thakur – @rajatthakuryoga
  10. Manvi Sharma –

Best YouTube Channels for Yoga:

  1. Dr Hansaji Yogendra (The Yoga Institute) – @theyogainstituteofficial
  2. Acharya Pratishtha (Bharat Yoga) – @bharatyoga
  3. Raja Gupta (Yograja) – @yograja
  4. Amit Namdev (Yoga With Amit) – @yogawithamit
  5. Kavita Pant (The Indian Yoga Girl) – @TheIndianYogaGirl
A sand structure depicting the celebration of Yoga Day

As an initiative, Yoga has played a significant role in transforming the lives of millions of people. It could be something as small as just flexibility to significant life-altering differences. As individuals have started noticing visible differences by adapting to this lifestyle, many have shared their journeys on how Yoga has positively changed their lives. You can find such feedback on the website as well.

Tons of people eagerly join this festival, returning repeatedly to bask in its lively atmosphere. It serves as the perfect chance to recharge, unwind, and forge lasting friendships bonded by Yoga.

Recognising Yoga’s potential as a powerful tool for India’s soft power, our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, has embraced and championed it globally. Through his active participation in public yoga events and relentless promotion at home and abroad, Modi has become synonymous with Yoga.

This strategic move has given Mr Modi an edge in his ambitious diplomatic efforts. He often shares that nearly every conversation with a world leader begins with Yoga, highlighting its universal appeal. He says, “Hardly any dignitaries still need to discuss this wellness regime with him.”

PM Modi Speech Portrait
Narendra Modi

It’s not just words but based on the facts. Prime Minister Modi’s dedication was particularly evident when he led an estimated 50,000 volunteers to celebrate the fourth International Yoga Day. The theme for 2018, “Yoga for Peace,” resonated deeply as over 100,000 people gathered in Kota, Rajasthan, to perform Yoga together, earning the city a Guinness World Record.

Through these initiatives, the Prime Minister of India inspires people worldwide to embrace actions that benefit themselves and their communities through Yoga. Our Prime Minister’s “One Earth, One Family, One Future” mission is getting closer with each step we take.

Amidst life’s hustle and bustle, setting aside a day to relax and recharge might seem counterintuitive, but it’s exactly what we need. So, on this International Yoga Day, let’s begin our journey toward holistic wellness. You can do so much to be a part of Yoga Day.

The scope of participation on Yoga Day is vast, with countless ways to get involved. In 2023, Narendra Modi spearheaded the celebration at the UN headquarters, a momentous occasion documented by Guinness World Records for the largest gathering of people from diverse nationalities.

1000's of people doing Yoga together
  • For beginners on their yoga journey, now is the perfect time to begin exploring and understanding the ancient practice. Dive into books on Yoga, attend events held in several institutes, seek guidance from a Yoga instructor, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and wellness.
  • Joining Yoga Sessions held worldwide allows you to become an integral part of the yoga community, regardless of your location. If you practice Yoga professionally, be open to sharing your knowledge of practising Yoga. Conduct seminars and teach the beginners who want to walk on this path.
  • Explore various yoga postures and asanas by stepping outside into nature to gain the actual benefits of Yoga. On 2024, International Day of Yoga, try to challenge yourself with new asanas by pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Nevertheless, it will help you gain confidence and is a great way to discover your potential. 
  • Social Media plays a pivotal role in the awareness about Yoga Day; share your experiences and practices. Follow Yoga professionals and attend their online sessions; that’s a great way to stay connected with others on the same path. While sharing your story on Instagram, remember to use #internationalyogaday. This will help millions of others to see, learn, and get inspired.  

As Yoga Institutions across India unite under the Indian Yoga Association, they proudly listed the “Member Institutions” (MIs). This includes Founding Yoga Organizations, other significant Yoga Organizations, and those specializing in Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Karma Yoga, alongside Raja Yoga.

These institutions are categorized based on their scope and impact:

  1. National-Level Yoga Organizations
  2. Regional-Level Yoga Organizations
  3. State-Level Yoga Organizations

Some Renowned Yoga Institutions in India:

According to a study, the number of people attending Yoga Day events has increased by 15%, significantly growing since last year. Through collective effort and dedication, the future of Yoga Day holds the promise of a brighter, more harmonious world for generations to come.

With each passing year, Yoga Day has grown in scale and reach, drawing people worldwide to celebrate the International Day of Yoga. Looking ahead to the future of Yoga Day, it will continue to expand its global impact.

India is celebrating ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav‘, which marks the period of its Independence from British rule. Yoga Day 2024 in India promises to be an enriching and inspiring event with the theme “Yoga for Women Empowerment.” 

With participation from individuals, communities, and organisations, expect a diverse array of yoga sessions, workshops, and events, both in-person and online. As the world continues to navigate various challenges, Yoga Day 2024 will serve as a beacon of hope, promoting resilience, inner peace, and holistic well-being for individuals and societies worldwide.

Yoga is more than just a workout. It’s a reminder to be peaceful, calm, healthy, and positive. The annual International Day of Yoga events highlight social change and collective action. The themes of Yoga Days are small initiatives encouraging compassion, tolerance, and environmental stewardship.

As we look ahead, Yoga Day’s influence will only expand. Recognizing Yoga’s benefits, governments and individuals embrace it for personal and societal transformation. Each year, it invites us to live mindfully, spread love, and face life’s challenges to being healthy.

(O Arjuna, Being in Yoga, do actions, abandoning attachment)

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International Yoga Day: A Decennium of Wellness

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